BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the Meridian desktop application > Setting personal options > Setting general options

Setting general options

The options on the General tab control startup and scanner options.

The following table lists the options and their descriptions.

General options
Option Description

Remember last document between sessions

Remembers the last selected document when you reopen the vault.

Remember last document between views

Remembers the last selected document when you change Navigation views.

Scanner options

Click to set options for the installed Meridian scanner driver. The available options depend on the scanner hardware and the scanner driver installed.

Tip    Most Meridian users prefer to enable both options in the Startup group.

Related tasks

Setting personal options

Arranging the window layout

Configuring the application look

Setting appearance options

Setting actions options

Setting advanced options

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